Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just a little feeling

 I sometimes sit and close my eyes to try and visualize her face. I see her, a woman of great strength and fearless courage. This woman who is beautiful with hair of blond and eye's of Blue, a smile that could light up a room. A mother of one who's life had just begun.

This woman, she sits in a rocking chair in a room lite only by candlelight. A child is in her lap. The child, a little girl looks to be about a year and half of age. She has hair as fine as tinsel, her eyes are as blue as a clear summer sky. The child reaches up for her momma nose and the woman gently kisses the child's fingers. The child shrieks with joy. The woman begins to softly sing "This little light of mine" as she gently rocks her child to sleep. While still humming she gives the child one final kiss on her forehead before placing her in her crib. She watches as the child peacefully drifts off to a somber sleep. She whispers "I love you Sunshine" and quietly tiptoes away.

 I was just waking up. I stumbled down my stairs and shuffled into my kitchen to make my pot of coffee. I stepped outside to smoke my morning cigarette. It was a chilly and wet morning. It was still dark. I came back in my house grabbed my cup of coffee and sat down at my computer desk. I followed my normal morning routine I logged on to facebook to check up on my friends than proceeded to to see what happened over night. What I read that morning will forever be burned into my memory and life as I knew it was about to change.

Stay out of it! It's none of your concern! Mind your own business! Those are just a few thing I'm pretty sure had been said in this event by some people. I will say that if anybody deserves a special set of snow white angle wings, It would be her. She pushed the definition as a mother to a new level. She gave her her own life to ensure her child would be free from abuse and danger and god has brought us together to ensure this to be carried forth. This woman I speak of and see is Vera Jo.

Today we are all here as a result of this tragedy. They say everything happens for a reason. Our reason, To bring Justice and be the Voice for Vera. We were brought together because god sees our strength and our love of human life.  He believes in all of us and  knows what we can do. In the beginning I never thought that I had the strength to change anything or make such an impact and I'm sure some you have felt the same at one point of life. Here we stand together all with a strength to stand up and make a change. I now have a new focus and view on life.

I want to say I feel blessed to have all of you in my life. Vera as well as you all have brought out a characteristic is me that I truly thought had been lost forever a long time ago. I did not know Vera however as I learn more about this horrendous tale I realized Vera and I are connected at the heart. I know the fear she faced on a daily basis. I understand how she had lost faith in people at an early age. This is why I feel I was chosen.

We all have our reason for becoming a part of this story.  All of us has brought something to the table in one way or another. Some of us were her family, some of us were her friends, while other's were just strangers. We all have different opinions but there is one thing that we seem to all agree on and that is, Every single one us of here today want justice to be sought. We are here not only to be the voice for a woman who can no longer speak for herself and to bring justice to her, but to raise awareness of a situation that is happening all across the world behind closed doors. We have become a team and we have already accomplished so much with still more yet to come!!

The small steps that we have taken has lead to the beginning of a huge resolution. We must not forget our reasons for being brought here together today. We must remember Vera Jo and continue our fight for what is right!!!!  

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