Saturday, April 2, 2011

Words can't describe .....

So here I am writing about a situation that has my community in an uproar. The newspaper article that I have posted says it all. I have since found myself becoming a "Self-proclaimed" Humans right activist and becoming very involved with this situation!!

Yes maybe I'm becoming to involved but I can not stand for this, this poor helpless mother needs to have justice even if she can not speak for herself now!!

I made these in remembrance of her. Here is the newspaper article that explains it all!,2011,Apr,02&c=n


  1. What does it matter what other people think about whay you are saying or speaking out in her behalf! What a tragedy and one that mirrors your life so it's no wonder you are angry, as you should be. No one protected her and few protected you!
    Keep speaking because it will also free you!
    love you!

  2. Aunt Tracy, Thank you so much for understanding!! A few people and I want to start a fundraiser and take the proceeds and start a scolarship for her daughter. This absolutly sickens me! I love you to!!
